EU and the European Union in Brussels 2025 (in Danish and English)
The purpose of the course is to provide participants with a broad knowledge of the EU institutions, the daily work in Brussels and current and future issues within the European Community.
Program: Three day program: European Parliament, European Commission, Council of Ministers, The Danish Embassy, European school of Brussels, and the House of European History
Where: EU institutions in Brussels
When: April 23-25th 2025
Participants: Teachers from European lower secondary schools (students age 15-17)
Course fee: 200 Euro
Transport, meals and hotel is not included in the price - participants must book hotel and transport themselves.
Registration: send an e-mail to
The Danish Efterskole Association
Jakob Clausager Jensen, Head of international relations, +45 22361153
Farvergade 27 H, 2., 1463 Copenhagen K, Denmark
The activity is partly financed by Erasmus+
Course and contact seminar in Warsaw October 6.-8th 2025 (in English)
Three days course and contact seminar focusing on pupils' well-being and European school cooperation: class/pupil exchanges, job-shadowing, and Erasmus+ within lower secondary school education – pupils age 15-17.
Monday October 6th, 2025
Full day program with lunch at the Embassy plus dinner Monday evening
09.00 Introduction of participants and specific interests
09.45 Official welcome to The Royal Danish Embassy in Poland
10.00 Me&We a tool for working proactively with well-being at lower secondary school
Speakers: Mie Juul Ingerslev, Efterskolerne and Jannie Christiansen, teacher at Høng Efterskole
Several studies show an increase in young people's social dissatisfaction, including stress, pressure and loneliness. Schools are demanding a structured and proactive approach to working with pupils' well-being. With this workshop you will have a hands-on approach on how to work with well-being for the entire group of pupils. You will have an introduction to the concept Me&We and you will experience a handful of activities, that have been used at many lower secondary schools in Denmark over the last five years.
The purpose of Me&We is to:
• Promote a socially strong youth generation and thus combat the increasing social dissatisfaction among young people
• Strengthen young people's ability to establish and maintain the relationships they need
• Inspire young people to take part in and take responsibility for the community
• Give young people positive experiences of sharing what is difficult, and the opportunity to reflect in like-minded people
• Support young people in creating a culture where they feel good enough
• Support and supplement the teachers' knowledge, tools and structures to promote the well-being of young people
10.45 Break
10.55 Workshop: Activities focusing on well-being
11.50 Workshop: How to work with well-being during a school year
12.15 Lunch
13.00 Workshop: Reflection and summation of the well-being workshop
14.00 Break
14.10 Workshop: Best practices of class exchanges/pupil mobility
14.40 Workshop: Best practices of job-shadowing or online cooperation
15.00 Break
15.30 Workshop in smaller groups - find partners for:
1. Erasmus+ pupil mobilities
2. Job-shadowing opportunities
3. Online cooperation
17.00 Cultural event
18.30 Dinner
Tuesday October 7th, 2025
Full day program with lunch at the Embassy
09.00 The different opportunities in the Erasmus+ programme
- Erasmus Accreditation
- KA122: Group mobility of school pupils' (2-30 days) / Short-term learning mobility of pupils' (10-29 days)
- Cooperation Partnerships / Small-scale Partnerships
10.00 Workshop: Best practices of KA122 / Small-scale Partnerships / Cooperation Partnerships
10.30 Break
11.00 Workshop in smaller groups - find partners for:
1. Erasmus+ pupil mobilities
2. Erasmus+ KA122 - group mobilities / short-term learning mobility
3. Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships / Erasmus+ Small-scale Partnerships
11.30 Workshop: Best practices of KA122 / Small-scale Partnerships / Cooperation Partnerships
12.00 Workshop in smaller groups - find partners for:
1. Erasmus+ pupil mobilities
2. Erasmus+ KA122 - group mobilities / short-term learning mobility
3. Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships / Erasmus+ Small-scale Partnerships
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Workshop in smaller groups - find partners for:
1. Erasmus+ pupil mobilities
2. Job-shadowing
3. Online cooperation
4. Other
14.00 Agree on your future cooperation with your new partners
15.30 End of program
Wednesday October 8th, 2025 - School visits:
In two groups we visit two lower secondary schools in Warzaw
9.00-12.00 School visit 1
9.00-12.00 School visit 2
12.00 End of program
Practical information
Where: The Danish Embassy in Warsaw, ul. Marszałkowska 142, 00-061 Warsaw, Poland
Hotel Gromada, Pl. Powstańców Warszawy 2, 00-030 Warsaw, Poland
When: October 6th-8th, 2025
Participants: European lower secondary school teachers and leaders (students age 15-17)
Course fee: 200 Euro - includes course fee and meals described in the program (lunch, dinner etc).
Transport and hotel is not included in the price - participants must book hotel and transport themselves.
The Royal Danish Embassy in Poland and The Danish Efterskole Association
Jakob Clausager Jensen, Head of international relations, +45 22361153
Farvergade 27 H, 2., 1463 Copenhagen K, Denmark
The activity is partly financed by Erasmus+
German language, culture and society in Berlin May 26-29th 2026 (in German)
Diensttag May 26th 2026
09.00-10.30 Begrüßung durch Kursleiter Bent Hansen
11.00-12.30 Kurze Präsentation: Was ist strategische Kompetenz?
13.30-15.30 U-BahnOrientierungslauf
Mittwoch May 27th 2026
9.00-10.30 Deutschland 2026
11.00-12.30 Wortschatz im Fremdsprachenunterricht
13.30-15.30 Deutschland 2026
15.45-16.45 Interkultureller und internationaler Austausch
Donnerstag May 28th 2026
9.00-11.00 Alternative Kultur in Berlin: Street Art Tour
11.30-12.30 Wie können wir mit Geschichte im Fremdsprachenunterricht arbeiten?
13.30-14.30 Deutschland. So nah und groß. Und doch so fern und klein
15.00-16.30 Schriftlich mit Berlin arbeiten
16.30-18.00 Auf eigene Faust in Berlin
Freitag May 29th 2026
9.00-12.00 Schulbesuch
14.00-15.00 Auswertung & Auf Wiedersehen
Inhalt: Weiterbildung für Deutschlehrer an dänischen Internatsschulen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der deutschen Sprache und der Fremdsprachendidaktik und sekundär auf der deutschen Kultur und der Gesellschaft. Zusätzlich gibt es auch Kulturaktivitäten und einen Schulbesuch in Berlin.
Zeitpunkt May 26-29th 2026
Ort: Felleshus der Nordischen Botschaften, Rauchstrasse 1, D-10787 Berlin
Zielgruppe: Lehrer und Lehrerinnen aus ganz Europa
Sprache: Deutsch
Teilnehmer: 25
Dozent und Kursleiter: Bent Hansen: cand.mag in Pädagogik, Master in Fremdsprachendidaktik und ausgebildeter Lehrer für Deutsch als Fremdsprache. 22 Jahre Unterrichtserfahrung an den Freien Schulen. Unterrichtet seit drei Jahren als Dozent für Deutsch als Fremdsprache bei Der freien Lehrerschule.